- Tap the
icon in the upper right corner of the app.
- The menu opens. Tap the Admin option.
- The Admin menu opens. Tap the Labor option.
- The Labor menu opens. Tap the User Maintenance option.
- The User Maintenance screen appears, listing users alphabetically by last name. To add a new user, tap the "+" button at the bottom of the screen.
- The Add User screen opens.
- Enter details for the user, including First Name (required), Last Name (required), Email address (required), Employee ID, Phone number, Labor Type, and Role (required). Note that as you select a Role from the dropdown you will see the permissions associated with that role listed below. If the Labor Type or Role you need is not listed, you may add new items to those dropdown menus. Learn to add a new Labor Type here, and a new Role here.
By default, Smart Construction will have the Time Track User and Invite User fields selected. The Time Track User field means that the user is an hourly employee, and should be unchecked if the user is salaried. In both instances users will be able to use clock-in functionality so that time worked against a project or task may be tracked. The Invite User field means that once this user has been added, an email will be sent to the email address you've provided for the new user so that their account can be activated. The user will need to perform this account activation to be able to access Smart Construction. - Tap the Checkmark button to proceed and add the new user, or the "X" button to discard.
- To edit a user, tap the More Options dots on the right side of that user's listing. Note that you will not be able to edit your own listing.
- The More Options dropdown menu opens. Tap the Edit option.
- Make updates to the user's information as needed. From this screen, you are also able to disable the user's account--essentially suspending their access, but maintaining their records.
- Once the desired edits have been made, tap the Checkmark button to proceed or the "X" button to cancel.
- To delete a user, tap the More Options menu dots on that user's listing. Note that you will only be able to delete users without activity in Smart Construction (time entries, machine logs, etc.). If a user is unable to be deleted, they may still be marked as inactive using step 11 above.
- The More Options dropdown menu opens. Tap the Delete option.
- You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the user. Tap the Checkmark button to proceed or the "X" to cancel.
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