- From the Homescreen, tap the Daily Report button.
From any other screen in the app, tap theicon in the lower menu.
- The Daily Report screen opens. Tap the date for which you’d like to create a report.
Note that dates that already have a report will be denoted by a green check mark icon. Dates that have a report that is out of date (new information has been added to one or more of the report sections since the report was created) will be denoted by a yellow flag icon.
For dates that already have a report, tap the date and then select Recreate Report from the menu.
When a Daily Report is Recreated, any information that was added or edited after the original report was created will be available on the Recreated report. - The Create Daily Report screen opens, displaying all of the sections that make up this report. Sections that appear in the "Sections Included" listing contain data entries for the day that the report is being run. Sections that appear below, in the "Sections Available" grouping do not have any data associated with them. All of the sections, with the exception of the Project Photos and Safety sections may be edited or added to from this Create Daily Report screen in the same way that they could be edited or added to within their respective portions of the app (these sections will appear to be greyed out).
In order to complete the creation of a new daily report, the Daily Report Survey will need to be completed (if one has been assigned for this project) and the Time Log will need to be reviewed, with any time entries for this date closed and approved.
Tap on any section to expand and view it. We'll walk through the sections together, below.
a. Daily Report Survey: The Daily Report Survey section opens. Answer the questions of the survey, then tap the Complete button to submit it. If a daily report survey has been assigned to a project, it will be mandatory to complete this survey before your daily report may be created. b. Time Log: This portion of the daily report displays any time entries that were made for this day. New entries may be added by tapping the "+" button at the bottom of the screen.
Entries into the Time Log must be approved before a daily report may be created. All users must be clocked out for this approval to take place.In looking at Time Log entries you can determine if a user has ended their session by the circle surrounding their avatar--if it is green, the user is still clocked in. If it is red, the user has been clocked out. In the instance below, the user needs to be clocked out--tap the entry to expand.
Tap the Clock Out button to end this user's session. From this expanded view the entry may also be edited by tapping the Edit Time Log button.
Once all users have been clocked out and any necessary edits/additions have been made to the Time Log, you may tap the Approve All button to approve.c. Equipment Log: This listing shows each piece of equipment that was associated with a time entry today as well as any inspection results for that equipment. If there are multiple inspections, the worst inspection status will display here to ensure that action is taken. d. Fuel Log: The Fuel Log displays any entries made to the Fuel Log section of the app for this day. Tap to expand and view details, then choose to Edit or Delete from the dropdown menu if necessary. Tap the "+" button to add a new entry to the Fuel Log, or tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue. e. Tasks: The Tasks section displays any progress entries made for estimate-type tasks or status changes to completion for percentage-type tasks made to this project's tasks for this day. Tap to expand and view details, then choose to Add Progress if necessary. Tap the "+" button to add a new entry, or tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue. f. Material Delivery: The Material Delivery Log displays any entries made to the Material Delivery section of the app for this day. Tap to expand and view details, or choose to Edit or Delete from the dropdown menu if necessary. Tap the "+" button to add a new entry to the Material Delivery Log, or tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue. g. Site Log: The Site Log displays any entries made to the Site Log section of the app for this day. Each entry to the Site Log appears under its heading (Site Conditions, Safety Observations, etc.). Tap to expand and view details, or choose to Edit or Delete from the dropdown menu if necessary. Tap the "+" button to add a new entry to the Site Log, or tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue. h. Project Photos: The Project Photos album displays any media added to this project on this day. Tap to expand and view greater detail of the media, then choose to Edit or Download if necessary. Tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue.
In this section of the Daily Report, new content cannot be added. In order to add media to this section, you will need to exit the Daily Report and do so via the Gallery option on the Homescreen.i. Subcontractor Log: The Subcontractor Log displays any entries made to the Subcontractor Log section of the app for this day. It displays any entries made to track subcontractor work on this date in addition to the Machine, Material, and Manpower associated with this entry. Tap to expand and view details, or choose to Copy, Edit, or Delete from the dropdown menu if necessary. Tap the "+" button to add a new entry to the Site Log, or tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue. j. Safety Log: The Safety Log displays any entries made to the Survey Log section of the app for this day. Tap to expand and view details, or choose to Delete from the dropdown menu if necessary. Tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Daily Report dialogue.
In this section of the Daily Report, new content cannot be added. In order to add surveys to this section, you will need to exit the Daily Report and do so via the Safety option on the Homescreen.k. General Notes: Enter any relevant notes related to this day's report in this field. This is an opportunity to add a summary or any additional commentary to the report. l. Signature: If you agree that the information contained in this Daily Report is complete, use your fingertip to add your signature to the space. Once you have signed the Confirmation screen, tap the “Checkmark” button at the bottom of the screen to continue. - Your Daily Report has been created and now appears with a checkmark in the Daily Report list. An email has also been sent both to you and the project manager containing a link back to this Daily Report.
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